We follow PRVN Affiliate Programming
workoutS ARE found VIA sugarwod
The WOD(workout of the day) begins with the Warm Up.
This is almost always followed by a Strength portion.
Next, you will see a workout.
This is our prescribed WOD which is 100% scalable to your present fitness levels and/or limitations. We have great coaches that would love to help you make the workout appropriate to your current fitness level ensuring you obtain the appropriate stimulus from the WOD.
Some days you will see accessory work, which can be done at the end of class.
Note: If you are following your own programming we 100% understand and support this. We simply ask that you do your best to complete this during our "Open Gym" class times found under the "Schedule" option of the menu. Exceptions can be made, if needed, please inquire ahead and know that a full class will take precedence over individual programming.